About Us

My name is Alex, I am the owner/CEO of Altitude Coffee. If I could explain my obsession with coffee, I would. But the obsession is so insane, I can even begin to describe it to you. I learned about the world of specialty coffee after enjoying many different types of coffee drinks from shops around my home. I became obsessed with the drink. The way it smells when being brewed, the way a simple cup of coffee can start up amazing conversations with friends. The way it tastes and wakes you up in the morning. There is just something about coffee. The feeling you get when having a nice warm cup in the morning while out in the mountains or any type of adventure. Again, there is just something about it that makes me feel at peace. I dove into the world of Specialty coffee and I wanted everyone around me to enjoy how great a fresh roasted cup of coffee is. So I started to roast the coffee for my friends and family to enjoy. Next thing I know, I am starting this company.
Altitude Coffee Company started with a dream to show the world what fresh roasted coffee is all about. There is such a huge difference between the coffee you buy at your local grocery store, compared to the world of specialty coffee. Grocery store coffee is not fresh coffee, it's actually very stale. Factories pump all all these big name brand coffees you see in stores and it will sit on shelves for months before you even buy it from the store. Specialty fresh roasted coffee is roasted once you order, and then degasses over the time it ships to you, ensuring you receive the coffee at the peak of flavor. And wow, the difference in taste is incredible.
There are so many coffee companies that do the same thing we do, except they overcomplicate the process and create all these "Rules" of how you're supposed to brew specialty coffee and drink it etc. 
Here at Altitude, we aim to keep coffee simple. We want you to enjoy amazing fresh roasted coffee, but the way you like it. You like your coffee loaded with cream and sugar? Cool. You like it straight black to taste all the original notes? Sweet! You like sugary lattes? Awesome! We don't mind how you take your cup of coffee everyday. There are no rules. There are no specific ways to brew a cup of coffee. As long as you enjoy the flavors of the coffee you have, the only thing we care about is that you are drinking Altitude Coffee. 
All we want to do is fuel all your adventures with amazing coffee. Whether you are an avid camper, an explorer, a hiker, a fisher, hunter, or all of the above. Or even if you just like to stay at home and enjoy coffee. No matter what you do in life, why not enjoy good coffee?